The journey of Mehtaa’z Numerology Center to Saree’s Wholesale Hub

Reading about the journey of an entrepreneur is interesting, especially when you see the gradual change of fields. And to understand what made them step into an entirely different market and industry. Such is the story of Ms. Pinky Mehta, a numerologist who slowly set her foot into the clothing industry and now has grown into a new entrepreneur in the wholesale world.

Pinky Mehta is an astrologer, numerologist, and Vaastu consultant by passion and also the profession. She has been working and gaining success in this field for the last five years. She is very proficient in what she does – after all, it's her dream job to understand the working nature and correct those ailments scientifically. So, how did she had a change of heart to step into an entirely new field of career? It’s an interesting story that needs to be retold to understand the shift of heart.

While talking to Ms. Mehta, she said that many of her clients work in power loom factories or own one as Malegaon has been booming in this industry for years. She often visits the factory sites to rectify any Vaastu Doshasor to offer his advice to her customers. This is when it came to her notice that these people have been suffering losses as they are unable to sell their products in the market. The reason? They did not have any connections or marketing knowledge.Ms. Pinky Mehta being an MBA knows a lot about management and marketing, and so she thought of a plan to help these people with their business. And that’s how this saree wholesale process started.

Mehtaa’z Numerology center started making plans and strategies to sell these uniquely designed sarees. With such fine work and exposure to the market that too within reasonable prices, it wasn’t difficult to grow the business. But she does not want to just stop here. Ms. Pinky wants the work of her city to be famous all around the country and world. So, she’s looking for investors or NGOs to help these fine works of people around Malegaon to reach new corners of the country by investing to promote on different platforms.

Written by Connect People Work [CPWWORLD]